Sunday, September 26, 2010

A case of the orange barrels

Watercolor, ink, graphite, charcoal on vellum. 24" by 14" Titled, Sealegs.

I made this piece in college.  I went through an orange barrel phase where I colored and drew orange construction barrels in some of my pieces.  I'm not sure why I was drawn to orange barrels.  I usually associate them with traffic and being unable to get from point A to point B.  I'm sure there is some kind of underlying meaning behind this...
 There was a lot of construction going on in Columbus and orange barrels became an unwelcome part of my daily scenery. I remember taking a walk through the local city park with my camera at hand. It was winter and all the trees were hibernating their beauty. I came across an Orange barrel and it was like a pot of gold illuminating off the snow and dull colors of winter. I was mesmerized by a traffic barrel! It was so intense. I wish I had saved the photograph, but I did draw it.

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