Sunday, October 24, 2010

Watergate Village

Besides working on my annual Halloween costume, (photo's to be posted soon..) my current project is the image on the top right.  It's the current map of my apartment complex: Watergate Village.

It’s not a terrible depiction of Watergate Village and it’s pretty self-explanatory in terms of a map.   But for aesthetic purposes, it’s rather difficult to look at.  So my mission is to re-design the map so that it will be easier for people to look at and follow. Obviously having an interactive map online would be ideal and incredibly useful, but for all intents and purposes it’s a map and I need to make this a printable one.

Problems I see: 
  •  The green clusters that are overtaking the map resembling “trees” ..eeeek! 
  • The buildings do not differentiate between the “garden apartments” and the “high rise” which by the way, BIG difference.  
  • A clear communication as to where things are for example, the rental office, and other information that is left un-marked.   
Seeing as I don't own a private jet, I have to rely on google earth to give me a topographical map of the village. This is a good start. Now to the drawing board...

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