Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday Well Spent

Instead of lining up outside with hundreds of shoppers for Black Friday a few friends and I decided to skip the deals and go strait for the jack pot by sneaking away for the weekend to a privately owned 35-acre farm in South Eastern Virginia.  This area in Virginia has an amazing landscape and some rich history with battle fields located all around.  The property was perfect.  The land has barely been touched, unoccupied for many years and sits on the water.  The old house on the property was my friends grandmothers house that she grew up in.  It dates back to the 1800's and it still had knick nacks and old remnents from those glory days where sharing a bathroom with 8 siblings puts a whole new perspective on the meaning of patience. It certainly felt strange staying in an abandoned house, kind of delinquent in a way but I enjoyed the outdoorsy pursuit.  I slept on a couch that was definitely from the 1800's and I could not help thinking that at some point in this couches life a soldier from the Civil War had probably crashed here as well. 

I was able to obtain some good photo's of the property and of my experience on the land.  There was wonderful lighting that reached into the house.  The paint that barely clung to the walls in the bedrooms was incredible. The house made me nostalgic for still paintings, something I thought I would never say after doing about 20 during any given school week. 

We roamed the beautiful landscape basked in the sun (it was 45 degrees) and shot guns.  Happy that we live in a free country and that we have the right to shoot off as many rounds of ammunition as we wanted, we spent a good portion of the trip shooting at targets (which actually improves your hand-eye coordination). And to warm up on the cold November night, we made a roaring fire, ate some delicious meats with squash soup, drank beers and star gazed until 1 in the morning. The sky was crystal clear and being that we were in the middle of no where, stars were plentiful.   This was the best Black Friday ever spent and I'm looking forward to topping it next year.

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